Life On The Farm As The Years Fly Bye

We All Learn At a Different Pace

What did I learn about myself through my 4-H participation?

I learned that it is not easy to be 16 and on the edge of adulthood.

Head - to clear thinking, when giving your word to someone, think about how it will affect your heart if you buckle to peer pressure and go against your morals and ethics .

Heart - to greater loyalty; loyalty is something that is given freely and cannot be demanded or forced upon someone.

Hands - to larger service, you can only do what you feel is right and work hard to achieve your goals.

Health - to better living; if your word is your honor, and you stand fast to your morals and ethics; loyalty will come to you freely, your goals will be realized, and you will make a difference in the world around you.

I love 4-H !

Peer pressure is one of the hardest things we face; stay true to yourself no matter how hard it is and make a difference!

4H My Journey

Farmer's Hands Video

2011-2012 Western National Roundup

Friday, March 19, 2010

Selecting 4-H Market Livestock Project Animals

The first concept that needs to be understood is that selecting animals for a Systems Approach program is not the same as selecting a "show" animal to be groomed, molded and manipulated to fit the current fad of the show ring. With the "Systems Approach", animals are selected which, with proper management, will meet the typical standards for efficiency, profitability, and usefulness to the production, feedlot and packing industry and at the same time exhibit a high degree of acceptance by the consumer.
The Systems Approach project evaluation is based on achievement of standards for selection, management and efficient production of meat that is desirable to packer and consumer. The project evaluation card uses four categories to evaluate member achievement and success. The Lean Yield section of the card indicates the degree of success in selecting and producing a lean product profitable to the packer and desired by consumers. The Conformation/Usefulness evaluation looks individually at muscling, trimness, growth and frame and structure and balance. These factors are representative of potential for achieving a desirable yield grade, a high degree of production efficiency, a high level of consumer satisfaction and a desirable degree of longevity. The gain and quality grade section evaluates both profitability and consumer desirability. The rate of gain section recognizes successful animal management in achieving a high level of efficiency and profitability. Gain is rated higher for higher quality animals where each pound of gain is more valuable.
The primary purpose for selecting animals is to obtain an animal that when properly fed and managed will represent the best in the industry. This means that industry standards must be identified prior to selection. The following standards represent industry goals achievable by most youth livestock program participants. Judges use the "Systems Approach" evaluation card to provide an evaluation of these standards. Animal selection is guided by the same standards that are used to evaluate accomplishment.

TABLE 1. Typical minimum standards for performance and quality.

USDA yield grade 3.0 or less.
Live weight 1150 to 1300 lb.
Minimum 2.8 lb. ADG.   
Conformation Score of 22 or >.

USDA grade of No. 1.
Muscle score of 7 or higher.
 Live weight 240 to 270 lb.
Minimum 1.85 lb. ADG.
Conformation Score of 22 or >.

USDA Choice Y.G. 2 or >.
Muscle score of 7 or higher.
Live weight 115 to 145 lb.
Minimum 0.75 lb. ADG.
Conformation Score of 22 or >.

 just click the link below to read it all.
this is a place to learn about selecting 4-H market livestock animals
written by: Chad C. Gibson, Gene W. Gibson, Jeff Goodwin