Life On The Farm As The Years Fly Bye

We All Learn At a Different Pace

What did I learn about myself through my 4-H participation?

I learned that it is not easy to be 16 and on the edge of adulthood.

Head - to clear thinking, when giving your word to someone, think about how it will affect your heart if you buckle to peer pressure and go against your morals and ethics .

Heart - to greater loyalty; loyalty is something that is given freely and cannot be demanded or forced upon someone.

Hands - to larger service, you can only do what you feel is right and work hard to achieve your goals.

Health - to better living; if your word is your honor, and you stand fast to your morals and ethics; loyalty will come to you freely, your goals will be realized, and you will make a difference in the world around you.

I love 4-H !

Peer pressure is one of the hardest things we face; stay true to yourself no matter how hard it is and make a difference!

4H My Journey

Farmer's Hands Video

2011-2012 Western National Roundup

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Vacation Is Over - The Steers are in Their Pen's

My vacation is over and the 2010 4-H season for me has started.

This means that my day just got longer, now I have to get up earlier, so that I can have time to do my chores between my school class.

I went and picked my steers on Sunday and got all the paper work in order so to be able to start keeping my books for this year.

I will start the ground work soon but for now my steers are getting use to their new home.

I will not  be posting any pictures of my steers at this time; I will post them after weigh-in.

For some 4-H is something you do in the summer but for me it is a year round lifestyle choice.

By the way I will be starting my other projects in the next few weeks.

Be sure to check in from time to time for updates, tips, and fun. Gee I love 4-H!

Of course the wether has changed and the wind is blowing with a chance of snow, fun fun fun!
