Life On The Farm As The Years Fly Bye
We All Learn At a Different Pace
What did I learn about myself through my 4-H participation?
I learned that it is not easy to be 16 and on the edge of adulthood.
Head - to clear thinking, when giving your word to someone, think about how it will affect your heart if you buckle to peer pressure and go against your morals and ethics .
Heart - to greater loyalty; loyalty is something that is given freely and cannot be demanded or forced upon someone.
Hands - to larger service, you can only do what you feel is right and work hard to achieve your goals.
Health - to better living; if your word is your honor, and you stand fast to your morals and ethics; loyalty will come to you freely, your goals will be realized, and you will make a difference in the world around you.
I love 4-H !
Peer pressure is one of the hardest things we face; stay true to yourself no matter how hard it is and make a difference!
4H My Journey
Farmer's Hands Video
2011-2012 Western National Roundup
The term cattle are like lollipops come from my Grandmother; because she likes Beef Masters,and Salers, Great Grandpa liked Black Angus and had a crossbred herd, and my Breed of choice is Red Angus.
My other Great Grandpa left home at the age of 14 to become a cowboy; he worked cattle ranches in Colorado, and Nevada most of his life before becoming a farmer and raising hay, He to is still farming and growing hay for my Dad, Great Grandpa Bob also still has a few head of cattle; once a cowboy always a cowboy.
Mom says that Ranching and Farming is a genetic trait and I was lucky and got both genes. My love for the beef industry started with my first 4-H market beef project and my goal is to be part of the next generation of beef producers and feed the world.
My Red Angus Journey and history in the beef industry begins.
Just a little note to say Thank You to some very special people that still hold a special place in my mind, heart and life. You know who you are, YOU cared for me when I was a baby in the NICU .
I still have to drink the cornstarch and soy protein eat every 3 hours that stuff has not changed, I am still the same.
To all of you Thanks for doing a great job. If you see this Thanks again.
I just wanted you to know how I was doing.